Date: 2018
Objective: promote BT Store, an online e-commerce app platform through hyper-personalized, illustrated ID badges for all team members - BTL merchandise
Project type: MVP Pitch
Objective: promote BT Store, an online e-commerce app platform through hyper-personalized, illustrated ID badges for all team members - BTL merchandise
Project type: MVP Pitch
The idea behind this customized badge was to promote the online marketplace we (me and the other team members of the project) were working on in 2018. The digital e-commerce site was called BT Store. As a source of inspiration I used the game art style from Grand Theft Auto | San Andreas, the popular video game launched in 2004 by Rockstar Games. I really liked the cartoon-caricature style used by Roxie Vizcarra and Anthony Macbain in designing the characters and the almost "greyed out" environment in their backgrounds. The shading and lighting method -strong colors, edgy surfaces; the box art style of the cover and the heavy, black contours, really got stuck in my mind.